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Student News

Graduate Student News

Recent PhD graduate Bradley Bazzle's first novel, Trash Mountain, won the Red Hen Fiction Award and will be published by Red Hen Press in the spring of 2018. The contest judge, Steve Almond, noted the novel's mix of "pathos and humor" with tough truths that "echo especially loud in Trump's America." More information about the novel and Bradley's other writing is available at

 Anna Forrester won a Fulbright Research Fellowship to Turkey to study Shakespeare in that country. She hopes to reside in Istanbul and study at Boğaziçi University, but at time of press is waiting to hear if she will be moving to a university in Ankara due to the political situation. In April, she presented on Turkish Shakespearean performances at the UGA conference “Bedchamber Scenes / Scenes de Lit in European Early Modern Drama,” and in March, she traveled to London on awards from the European Shakespeare Research Association and English department to present at a conference at University College London entitled “Shakespeare and the Jews.”

 Gabrielle Hovendon recently published a lyric essay in VERSE and a short story in Day One.  She has another short story forthcoming in Boulevard, and she received a fellowship from the Vermont Studio Center. In March, she delivered a talk on writing mathematics into fiction at Swarthmore College.

Sarah MayoSarah Mayo, a fourth-year doctoral student in the Department of English, has been awarded the Social Science Research Council’s International Dissertation Research Fellowship funded by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation for her dissertation project “Medical Practice, Medical Performance: Mountebanks in Sixteenth- and Seventeenth-Century England.” This project draws on archival resources such as ballads, legal documents, advertisements, and others in order to historically position mountebanks or performing “quack” doctors in relation to the medical marketplace of early modern England. The International Dissertation Research Fellowship (IDRF) will facilitate on-site archival research in the United Kingdom for a tenure of 9-12 months. Research for this project is also supported by a Phi Kappa Phi Dissertation Fellowship, a Franklin College – University of Liverpool Short-Term Research Fellowship, a Renaissance Society of America – Bodleian Library Fellowship, a Newberry Library Fellowship, and the University of Georgia Graduate Dean’s Award.

Henna Messina's article “Fanny Price's Domestic Assemblages in Jane Austen's Mansfield Park” is forthcoming in the journal Persuasions.

The UGA Center for Teaching and Learning announced Paula Rawlins as one of 2017’s Outstanding Teaching Award winners. Paula also successfully completed and passed her comprehensive examinations this semester and is now a PhD candidate.

Ward Risvold has recently been award a UGA Dissertation Completion Fellowship, as well as the departmental James B. Colvert English Graduate Award and the Robert H. West Award. His recent publications include the short monograph Shakespeare’s Neologisms and the Case of “A Midsummer Night’s Dream.” The monograph was translated into Spanish and published as a bilingual text by the University of Valencia Press. Mr. Risvold serves as co-editor of Renaissance Papers.

Jordan Stone's article, “Watching Time: Madison Smartt Bell’s All Souls’ Rising, Narrative, Historiography, and the Contemporary Historical Novel,” appeared in Modern Fiction Studies (63.1) [paywalled].


Undergraduate Student News

 UGA Undergraduates Present at the International "Bedchamber Scenes/Scènes de lit" Conference

UGA encourages faculty to use “high-impact pedagogical practices,” teaching activities that make an outsized contribution to what students learn. Such practices include “experiential” or “hands-on” learning, international education, and undergraduate research, all of which Dr. Iyengar employed in a recent Renaissance Drama class. Tasked with developing an independent research project, students produced and presented a research poster at the international “Bedchamber Scenes/Scènes de lit” conference held at UGA in Spring 2017. While some students found the experience of presenting their work to scholars, teachers, and actors from three continents “stressful,” they also noted that it gave them “confidence in [their] work” while also forcing them to “level up” and to “step out of [their] comfort zone.” One added, “I never thought that anything I ever wrote before was really interesting or worth talking about,” and another recollected, “Although it was difficult and frustrating to devise my plan, I feel much more strongly about my arguments than I would have done if someone else had given me a topic ... I shamelessly boasted about it to my friends and family.”




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